Carlingford Dental

Preventing and Curing Bad Breath

Bad Breath – Carlingford Dental

We might have bad breath because of an underlying dental issue. Or perhaps because of a different medical issue. Or we might have bad breath because we neglect to clean our teeth. Occasionally we have bad breath for no apparent reason, though we often find a few tricks to fix the problem.

Carlingford Dental – Treating Bad Breath

– Drink more water – This is generally good for health. But with teeth it prevents the type of bad breath caused by a dry mouth, which encourages the growth of bad bacteria.
– Mouth breathing will lead to bad breath, because mouth breathing drys out the mouth. It also makes us tired and can change the face of youngsters. Breathing through the nose is far better.
– Night breathing is important. We might find that we breathe through the mouth without knowing it. If we wake up with a headache, a dry mouth and bad breath we are probably sleeping with our mouth open.
Try a nasal strip to open up he nostrils. Ir have the dentist make a custom mouth guard.
– Green Tea kills some types of bad bacteria in the mouth, and it is generally healthy. There is no reason not to try this.
– Chewing sugar free gum can help. This is partly the scent of the gum hiding the bad odor. But if we have xylitol sweetened gum then we kill some of the bad bacteria that causes the problem. This also keeps the mouth moist.
– Eat probiotics foods like yogurt, kimchi, or any fermented foods. This prevents the bad breath issues that arise from the digestive system. It also increases the good bacteria in the gums.
– Chew some parsley. This seems to remove many bad breath problems.

Serious Conditions that cause Bad Breath – Carlingford Dental

– Some bad breath can be the result of a gum infection. If we catch this in the early stages it can be cured with diligent cleaning and strong mouthwash. Medication like antibiotics is sometimes also prescribed. But a gum infection will quickly progress to periodontitis, which is never fully curable, only maintainable in the long term.
If you suspect gum disease, see your dentist straight away.
– A decayed tooth can lead to bad breath. Have this treated as soon as possible as the problem will only grow worse with time.
– An abscess in a tooth or gum will cause bad breath, and probably a lot of pain. This can even by life threatening if the abscess near the back of the mouth expands into the brain. An abscess qualifies as an emergency dental appointment.

Carlingford Dental

Symptoms like dental pain or unexplained bad breath often indicate a serious problem. See a dentist to have he issue promptly treated.

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