We are your local group of dentists all trained from prestigious Australian Universities banded together for one purpose – Make your dental visits with us pleasant, clear and transparent.
We know, dental appointments can be unnerving and scary.
That’s why Dentist@NorthRocks wants your time with us to be different, relaxing and even fun! We got TVs on ceilings, comfy chairs, music to listen to, Magazines to read, play area for kids, virtual reality movie head gears…and much much more…. all ready for you.
Dentist@North Rocks will tell you what you exactly need with honesty and transparency. We don’t like hidden agendas and we won’t tell you to do treatments you don’t need.

Our website will be in the language you understand. No overwhelming descriptions of dental words and diseases that don’t make sense. Our services will be plain and simple to understand.
No jargons, no confusing dental terms, no beating around the bush.
Afterall, no one wants to surf websites with jargons after jargons and full of boring information, right?
Of course, you can skip all the web browsing and come straight to us if you want.
We are conveniently located inside North Rocks Shopping Centre (Look for us under Caffe Cherry Beans).
Dentist@North Rocks are always ready for chat 7 days a week via email (info@dentistnorthrocks.com.au) or phone 0447 914 122.
Doctor of Dental Medicine (Otago University)
Doctor of Dental Medicine (University of Melbourne)