Dentist Carlingford

Gut Bacteria

Dentist Carlingford 

Our bodies are integrated systems. Anything that effects the health of one part of our body may well affect other parts of our body. It is known that the bacteria in our gut will effect our dental health, a well as our mental health and general sense of well being.

Our bodies have a mixture of good and bad bacteria. The good bacteria are essential for the digestion of food. By increasing the good bacteria we help decrease the bad bacteria, which keeps us in better health with less dental problems.

Tooth decay is caused by bad bacteria acting of sugars in our diet. We can greatly reduce this decay by removing as much sugar as possible, and by reducing the bad bacteria as much as possible. We can increase the good bacteria by improving our diet and adding probiotics.

Probiotic rich foods and probiotic supplements increase good bacteria. We recommend foods like Yogurt, Kefir, Kimchi, Saurkraut, and fremented foods to increase good bacteria.

Prebiotics feed the good bacteria that is already in the stomach. Most vegetables and fruits contain at some probiotic material, as do most foods with fibre. A good source or probiotics is Rice and potatoes that have been lest to cool to fridge overnight. Try adding more of these to your diet.

Carlingford Dental

By looking after our diet we can prevent many health problems. Adding healthy bacteria with probiotics can mean feeling far better, and greatly reducing tooth decay and gum infections.

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